=====================This was made in scratch========================

Press space to dash, (it makes invincible when you do it)


left and right to move If you press down while you are pressing left or, right you crouch


press the up arrow key to jump and then press up while in the air to double jump


press z to interact


press x to attack


I put a lot of time and effort, making this. Some of the code and art I made almost two years ago, and I thought of a lot of the story, areas and boss fights almost four years ago. And this is by far the longest I've ever worked on a single project, I drew, coded, animated and made the music all by my self,

It still doesn't fell real that I'm finished, that I'm done with something I've been working on for almost four years, that I'm finally able to release it.


Thank you, @TacoGuy78, @stensle, Heisenburger22 and rubixmaster97 (all scratch accounts) for play testing and giving much (much) needed feedback. 


I can't believe I'm finished, thank you every one who plays, I hope you enjoy it as much, as I did making it. 


You don't have to play Zest 1 to understand what happens in this one (there might be a few things that don't make sense) but you have to beat this if you want to understand the rest of the story.

=====================================================================================================================================================  I put a lot of time effort making this, every level took me on average four days each and a boss fight took me well over two mouths. I hope it shows how much effort I put in to making it.  =====================================================================================================================================================

I am now done with the second game out of a three part trilogy.

Only. One. Left. 

Release date Feb 16, 2024
GenrePlatformer, Adventure
Tags2D, Animation, Dark, Music, Narrative, Pixel Art, Side Scroller, storygame
Average sessionA few minutes
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly